25+ Free TESOL courses online

Do you want to study a TESOL course online for free? You’re in the right place. 

Studying a free TESOL course (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) is a great way to open up the opportunity to teach overseas or online from the comfort of home. 

Yet, they only teach the basics, and are not accredited by a teaching authority like ASQA (Australian Skills Quality Authority) or provide certification.

We recommend that if you don’t have one already, you study an accredited TESOL course of 120+ hours. Read more on the Best TEFL / TESOL online courses in Australia.

FYI: it’s also known as TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), with TESOL being more common in Australia and TEFL being an international term. If you consider teaching in Australasia later on, you’ll want to do an accredited TESOL course

When to study a free TESOL course?

A free TESOL/TEFL course is great for both a new teacher looking to learn more about how to help your students or an experienced teacher searching for professional development opportunities and a way to grow. 

A TESOL/TEFL course that you can study online allows you to upskill and work on your professional development from the comfort of your own home. Even better, these courses and certifications below are completely free*. 

*NOTE: Some of these courses require payment to issue a certificate, which is always optional and at your discretion. Some may be for teachers from certain locations only, so please check course details. Also, course dates are constantly changing so keep “an eye out” for newly available ones and let us know of any updates in the comments.

Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Teaching Online

Professional Development

Young Learners


If you know of any other FREE courses for Online English teachers, please comment below.

2 thoughts on “25+ Free TESOL courses online”

  1. Thank you so much Kate for your advice and viewpoints and I shall take everything we have discussed together onboard. Over the next few days, I shall be focusing on how to approach my niche market as per your suggestion.
    Your site is wonderful – very interesting, very informative, factual, and formatted in a simple but yet detailed outlay.
    I would have no hesitation to refer this website to anyone interested in teaching English as a second/other languages.

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